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Working During Summer? Here’s How to Avoid Heat Stress

Working During Summer? Here's How to Avoid Heat Stress

Summer is known as the season for fun family activities, water sports, and distressing. But for those who have to work during the summer season in hot and humid environments, summer is far from being fun. They find themselves at risk of heat stress.

  • What is heat stress?
    Heat stress is what happens when one is exposed to extreme heat for long periods. The body is over-heated. Symptoms include excessive sweating, fatigue, and dizziness. When not treated, heat stress can result in heatstroke. When this happens, it’s imperative to call urgent care in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Who are at high risk of heat stress?
    People who are at high risk of heat stress are farmers, firefighters, construction workers, boiler room workers, factory workers, and generally everyone who work in hot environments. Elderly adults, obese people, and those with heart disease are also at high risk. If you don’t know your risk level, schedule doctor appointments, and get laboratory services.
  • How can you avoid heat stress?

    To avoid heat stress here are some things you can do.

    • Drink water and take breaks in cool places
    • Avoid strenuous works when the heat is highest
    • Wear breathable fabrics and use sunblock
    • Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages
    • Know the symptoms of heat stress
  • Want to ensure your physical health?
    Visit us at Cleveland Urgent Care for high quality urgent and primary care in Ohio.

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