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Risks and Symptoms of Dehydration You Must Take Note Of


As another summer season rolls around, so is another spike in the number of patients being admitted for dehydration. And with the numbers, as they are for several years now, it is no surprise. According to a survey from the New York Hospital and Cornell Medical Center, a staggering 75 percent of all Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. Moreover, the average American drinks just 2.5 cups of water every day, below the 10 cups a day requirement by the Institute of Medicine.

Fortunately, this is one problem that can be readily solved by being proactive, beginning with learning about your risks. That is why, as providers of urgent care in Cleveland, Ohio, we at Cleveland Urgent Care are listing down the risk factors for dehydration. These include:

  • Having a job that requires you to work outdoors, such as welding, landscaping, construction work, gardening, mechanics, and more
  • Age— the older you are, the more susceptible your risk is because of decreased thirst response
  • Having a chronic condition
  • Being an athlete
  • Residing in a place of a higher altitude

It’s important to get on top of your risks, but it’s even more important to recognize the warning signs of dehydration. Look out for the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth and increased thirst
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Headaches
    Our primary care in Ohio is more than equipped to take on your urgent care needs for dehydration as well as for other injuries and illnesses.

    We offer diagnosis, testing, laboratory services, consultation, and advice, among others. Reach us at your convenience.

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