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Safety Tips for Elderly People at Home

Safety Tips for Elderly People at Home

There are certain changes in the human body as we age. Aside from the decrease of physical strength, some people also lose the ability to balance well when moving. This is one of the many reasons why we, at Cleveland Urgent Care, a reliable provider of primary care in Ohio, give tips to caregivers and elderly people so they can achieve a safer home environment.

  • Keep the house well-lighted.
    Many people don’t realize the importance of keeping the house well-lighted, especially in hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms. This will help the elderly, especially the ones with physical disabilities, see better and avoid tripping in their homes.
  • Always use non-slip mats.
    Make sure that the mats you are using at home are rubberized at the bottom, and designed to not slip in place. This will ensure that you don’t trip whenever you use them to wipe your feet at home.
  • Leave notes containing a number of emergency hotlines in a place that is easy to locate, for example, on the door of the fridge.
    It is better to be always ready. In case of emergencies, it will be easier for you or your elderly loved ones to ask for help when certain calamities occur.

We, at Urgent Care in Cleveland, Ohio, care for you and the people in the community. This is why we want to remind safety precautions to people to help avoid emergency situations as much as possible.

Aside from therapies, primary care, and urgent care services, we also offer Laboratory Services to give clients more convenience. Let us know whenever you need us, we are always here to serve you.

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